04 AI applications to improve customer service qualities

04 ứng dụng AI nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng

Improving customer service qualities is always a concern of managers. Assessing the quality of customer service is the foundation for the effectiveness of improvement strategies. The explosive development of AI technology has opened a new era for customer service quality management. And here are the Top 4 outstanding apps.

Callbot AI for CSAT Survey

Callbot AI is an outstanding advancement of an outbound call. The solution has been “upgraded” by advanced AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), Text to Speech and Speech to Text. As a result, Callbot AI can recognize voices and communicate with customers. “Natural and precise” – that’s the experience an AI auto-calling app can deliver.

So how does Callbot AI help improve customer service qualities ?

To survey customer satisfaction, we can use many different ways. Paper Surveys, Online Surveys via email or Call Surveys. However, these methods still have many disadvantages. Specifically:

  • Low response rate. In fact, very few customers are interested in participating in the survey. For them, it is a “time-consuming” activity. As a result, survey links sent via email are often ignored.
  • Paper surveys are expensive to print, confusing data entry and processing, and difficult to customize survey content.
  • Customers prefer answering surveys over the phone rather than filling out forms. Because it’s really convenient and requires little manipulation. More than that, experience a friendly conversation that makes them love it more. However, this method is quite expensive. Especially the cost of hiring a team and calling equipment.

Callbot AI possesses outstanding advantages that have solved the above concerns.

  • With the ability to communicate naturally, Callbot AI as a “virtual employee” will make calls and ask survey questions to customers.
  • Outstanding automated calling productivity. Save deployment costs and personnel costs
  • 100% automation of campaign dialling and reporting
  • Ability to learn professional skills, and applications in many fields.

For example, the Callbot AI application survey customer satisfaction.

Check out some more reasons why customer surveys aren’t effective


Improve customer service qualities with AI application to automatically assess call center quality

A customer service representative or an operator is a business representative who communicates with customers. Every statement and behaviour of the operator speaks for the quality of service. Therefore, regular evaluation of switchboard calls is an important activity for businesses to control & manage quality.

However, for 100% of calls to be evaluated is not possible; without the support of technology. The number of calls at a medium to large switchboard can reach several hundred thousand calls per month. The evaluation is done manually by the QA/QC team by listening to each session and scoring it. Therefore, only a tiny sample of 3-5% is selected to be evaluated and represent the quality. Breached calls or employees with a bad attitude towards customers are likely to go unnoticed.

AI technology has created a new step in call center quality management. Helping businesses:

  • Real-time call monitoring (monitoring while a call is in progress)
  • 100% of calls; 100% of agents are automatically evaluated.
  • Exploiting data and customer insights effectively.
  • Improve operator training efficiency.
  • Guaranteed customer experience.

According to the monitoring time, quality management solutions are classified into 2 types as follows:

2.1 Real-time call monitoring for improving customer service qualities 

Agents can make mistakes at any time during calls with customers. Even the smallest mistakes are potentially risky and even difficult to control if they are repeated repeatedly. It is imperative to intervene in such situations from the “beginning” rather than having to deal with them after they have happened. Real-time call monitoring is the solution to help businesses detect violations and handle them immediately. Make sure any issues are resolved and end the call. The system “automates” all tasks such as script review, real-time violation warnings, predicting the possibility of closing orders, automatic post reminders, and feedback suggestions, …

See also: Reals – real-time call monitoring system 

real time monitoring, phan tich cuoc goi thoi gian thuc
Real-Time Monitoring

2.2 Automatically evaluate the quality of the agent after the call

Support “automation” of periodic call evaluation. Evaluate the overall performance of agents by week, month, quarter or year. All calls are automatically evaluated according to business criteria. From there, the report automatically shows the performance and breach trends of each agent one by one.

See also: Virtual QC – an automatic system to evaluate the quality of agents

Customer sentiment analysis

There is a group of “silent dissatisfied customers”. They are the ones who will “quietly” leave a brand after 1-2 bad experiences without taking any action after complaining. So how can businesses detect these groups of people? Take regular CSAT or NPS metrics-gathering surveys. Or use emotion analysis technology in each call with customers. Because nothing expresses customer satisfaction more accurately than emotions. And it can be expressed through words or tone of voice.

AI technology supports the analysis of audio and speech segments. It translates audio into text, showing the emotional states of the audio clip. Are they having positive, negative or normal emotions?

Emotion metrics can directly measure customer satisfaction. So besides productivity metrics like average wait time (AWT), missed call rate (ATA), average call handling time (AHT) and First Call Resolution, etc. combine emotional index for more accurate assessment.

Phan tich cam xuc, sentiment analysis


Above are 04 AI applications that help improve customer service quality. To lead the market, it’s time for businesses to pioneer the application of AI technology. Businesses with stable growth rates focus on improving the quality of regular customer service. It would be better if each brand had a loyal group of customers and a brand ambassador willing to share about you with others. Improving customer service quality is key for businesses to achieve that success.

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