The Bank always faces hundreds of questions & daily service requests from customers. However, they always want to experience the service quickly, conveniently and personalized. Despite of the application of information system & modern customer relationship system, the handling by the consulting staff still faces many problems that make customers unhappy:
▶ Do not handle issues outside working hours
▶ Emergency issues are not dealt with immediately
▶ Slowly response time
▶ Cumbersome transaction procedures
The development of artificial intelligence technology brings “automation” solutions in transactions, processing daily service requests at banks. Especially from 2019, the digitalization of the bank is happening very fast. They replace over 90% of daily financial transactions with digital technologies or channels. According to Gartner research, by 2030, AI applications will help banks cut down the operating costs by 22%, saving up to 1 trillion USD. One of the most popular AI applications today is the Virtual Agent – Virtual Customer Care Assistant for banks.
With the foundation of Vietnamese natural language processing technology VNLP, EM&AI Virtual Assistant (EM&AI Virtual Agent) provides solutions to interact with customers anytime, anywhere and enhance service experience. EM&AI Virtual Agent as a brand ambassador, financial advisor to customers as quickly as training a new employee.
Experience EM&AI Virtual Agent for Banking
Powered by EM&AI
ℹ️ Hotline: 0934 312 345
ℹ️ Email: contact@vnlp.ai
ℹ️ Address: 7th floor, Duong Viet Building, 30 Nguyen Huu Tho, Danang, Vietnam