Google thay đổi thuật toán tìm kiếm

As the leading provider of search service in the world, every small changing about search algorithm of Google can take effect directly to a billion website and one of them is your business.

After a year of research and development, Google has recently announced a change of search algorithm in their system. Accordingly, the high-quality website with good content investment will be prioritised on search results when user search information. In addition, websites have copied-content and bad-quality will be pushed to low positions.

It is known this change based on research about NLP that it help optimize search results thanks to the ability of identify the relationship between words in sentences.

Newest Search Algorithm of Google based on the advancement of natural language processing

The newest Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology, known as BERT, have ability of recognizing the context in sentences to help bring the closer to the needs of customers. According to Google, one of the ways for them to train NLP system is to take an English sample sentence, remove about 15% of the words in the sentence, then let the system identify itself and find suitable words to fill in the deleted section.

This is arguably the most positive change in the past 5 years by Google and also the most important change of Google to date.

Although this new algorithm currently only affects search results in English, it will surely be widely applied globally in the near future and Vietnam is no exception.

After only a few days of application, the websites of companies in the UK and US have changed greatly in search rankings. According to statistics, about 10% of the results have been changed, causing significant impact on people working in SEO and online business.

From a user perspective, this Google change has a positive impact when they are likely to receive suggestions that are closest to their needs. In contrast, for businesses that invest little in website quality will face significant challenges.

And finally, we cannot deny that NLP natural language processing technology is increasingly affecting many areas of human life. Enterprises need to grasp to adapt.

Nguồn: Brandsvietnam









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